Wednesday 10 February 2010


Black Screen

In shot: dark hall way, low key lighting. Camera looking at door, which is ajar. The noise of shuffling is heard from the second level of the home. A slight creek is heard when the door is pushed open by the owner of the home. Character known as Logan McKenna enters the trashed house. From the floor above a thud I heard which alerts Logan into taking out his gun and investigating the noise. Logan walks up the stairs constantly observing things around him which have been trashed and thrown. Logan kicks down the door and shoots the first man in the throat and is then hit to the ground by the other man in the room. Camera fades to black

Fade in will be used with a shot focused mainly on Logan’s face covered in bruises and blood.

Powers:  Do it

A bucket of water hits Logan in the face to give an abrupt awakening.

Logan: *Spits and Coughs

Powers: So you thought you could bring down my organization, ha! Just one man. It took me years to get to where I am, and for what? For you, you insignificant little runt, to bring down this empire that I, myself created. Well… Not today *spits at Logan. I hope your ready, its gunna be a long night Logan and you aint gunna live through it.

Logan: Laughs in Power’s face.

Powers: Why are you laughing! *Slaps Logan. (To Butch) Hand me that knife!

The slap from Powers causes the chair to fall to the ground. The sound of Logan’s laughter can still be heard behind the narration 

Logan: (Narration, Non Diegetic) you wanna know why I’m laughing? What Powers doesn’t know is that I’ve got the upper hand.

Cut to black

Opening Credits cut in

Opening Credits

Power Productions Present

A Film By Ryan Kitching & Stuart Miller

A Death-Grip On Society (Working Title)

Stuart Miller

Ryan Kitching

Daniel Phelps

Co – Staring –

Robert Ash

Casting By

Ryan Kitching

Stuart Miller

Music Supervisor

Ryan Kitching

Stuart Miller

Costume Designer

Ryan Kitching

Stuart Miller

Production Designer

Ryan Kitching

Stuart Miller


Ryan Kitching

Stuart Miller

Director of Photography

Ryan Kitching

Stuart Miller

Executive Producers

Carl Percival

Sally Pickford

Story By

Ryan Kitching & Stuart Miller

Produced By

Ryan Kitching & Stuart Miller

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